About Florida NARFE

We are the Florida members of the National and Active Retired Federal Employees Association. (NARFE) (https://www.narfe.org/).

NARFE is an all-agency, all-employee, non-partisan advocacy organization whose sole mission is to protect
and enhance the earned employment benefits of current and retired civilian federal employees, their families
and survivors (the “federal family”), which benefits are uniquely within the sole power of Congress.

NARFE was founded in 1921 by 14 retired Post Office employees and we currently have more than 200,000
dues-paying members nationwide. Our headquarters is located in Alexandria, Virginia.

We have twelve elected national officers: a President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 10 Vice-Presidents representing 10 geographical regions across the country. They are all elected for two-year terms. Together they comprise our National Executive Board, which sets overall policy and our legislative agenda before Congress.

NARFE also employs four lobbyists who spend their days “on the hill” talking to members of Congress
about protecting and enhancing our earned employment benefits. Additionally, we have NARFE-PAC,
which provides non-dues funds to the campaigns of Congressional candidates whose actions are
favorable to members of the federal family.

FLORIDA is part of Region 3, which also includes other states and territories in the Southeast. Each
state or territory constitutes or is part of a “federation.” We are known as NARFE Florida, Inc., and do
business as the Florida Federation.

The Florida Federation currently has over 9,000 dues paying members, although we advocate for the
interests of nearly 300,000 members of the federal families in Florida.

Our business is to work to accomplish the two principal NARFE goals:
(1) Conduct advocacy efforts to protect and enhance earned employment benefits.
(2) Provide services to our members by informing them of their benefits and assisting them
in receiving those benefits.

We have volunteered, elected and appointed officers who conduct the business of the Florida Federation.

Approximately 53% of all members of the NARFE Florida are also members of Florida traditional local chapters.
There are currently 63 chapters in Florida. The traditional chapters have volunteered elected and appointed
officers who carry out the duties of the chapter at the local level, which include:
(1) Working to accomplish the NARFE goals.
(2) Organizing and conducting periodic meetings to provide a forum for socializing and sharing ideas, discussing NARFE hot topics, and providing education through presentations by speakers and Conferences.

We encourage all eligible prospective members in Florida to complete a NARFE membership application and become active at the local and/or state level. However, local chapter membership is optional. Regardless of choice made, all members of the Florida Federation are eligible to vote on NARFE business at the Federation and National levels. They are also able to participate in all Federation activities and to hold office at both the Federation and National level.